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A counselor tips for dealing with the stress of uncertainty
2020 will go in history books as the poster year of uncertainty. The whole world faced challenges, and we weren’t prepared for them. And while some people can deal with uncertainty better than others, in the end, no one can avoid the unexpected. Here are a few simple tips on how psychologists and therapists handle stress and anxiety caused by uncertainty.
Avoid rethinking things you can’t control. Humans are cognitively wired to imagine and revisit the worst-case scenarios. But is the situation you are facing is not under your level of control, the only “benefit” you will get from reviewing it will be an additional stress.
Control what you can. Keep your focus and energy on things you can control, even if it is a simple task like waking up on time or cooking a meal at home. Create a new routine. By bringing structure into daily tasks, your mind finds comfort by recognizing something stable and constant.
Take your own advice. Look at yourself from a different perspective. If a friend was in your situation, how would you advise and comfort them? If they trust your wisdom, why can’t you use it on yourself? And this brings us to the next…
Be kind to yourself. Remind yourself that the situation you are facing is something that you weren’t ready to address. It may take time to get resolved. By trial and error, we all learn by experience, and if you fail at first, don’t be too hard on yourself.
Dedicate time for self-care. Higher levels of stress can cause physical health problems, like headaches, insomnia, and loss of appetite. Make a conscious effort to practice self-care by eating well, exercise, meditate, do yoga. Stress can cause loss of motivation, but keep in mind that sometimes motivation comes after the initial struggle.
Limit your exposure to bad news. It can be a bit tricky, considering we are bombarded with information in every corner of our lives. However, dwelling on negative news doesn’t make us more informed, just more stressed out. Make the conscious decision to change the channel or close the browser tab.
Reflect on past achievements. Self-motivation can be extremely helpful in difficult situations. And what’s better than recalling how you successfully handled challenging and stressful circumstances in the past? Give yourself credit that you survived and learned from your hardship.
Learn new skills. Make an effort to learn something new. It can be anything – studying a new language, learning how to cook, or even getting a new degree. Acquiring new skills will improve your confidence and reduce stress levels.
Ask for help and seek support from people you trust. Constant stress can cause waves of depression and self-isolation. Ensure you reach out to your social support systems like family and friends or look for the professional help from counselors and therapists. A professional can help you develop the best strategies for coping with stress.