Informed Consent Policy
Counselling Services
Seek help from a mental health professional may not be an easy task; Counselling is an assistance to the client to understand their situation and emotions better and to be able to move toward solving difficulties. Counselling services strive to help the client grow toward better mental wellbeing and wholeness. There may be multiple interventions to address the problems effectively. It is essential to discuss any questions you may have regarding the treatment recommended and contribute to setting goals for your therapy. As therapy progresses, these objectives may change.
Client’s Rights
The client may ask questions on what to expect during and as a result of the therapy.
The client may decline to proceed with the therapy as to the techniques that the counselor may conduct.
The client may cease to continue therapy anytime, without any impediment, and may return to treatment anytime.
The counselor has the right to dismiss the client from the course of therapy.
The client has the right to confidentiality: Within limits provided for by law, all records and information acquired by the counselor shall be kept strictly confidential according to a doctor-patient relationship’s principles.
The client can raise any concerns and speak with the counselor immediately of any problems, provided that the counselor is likewise available to discuss matters with the client.
Discussions between a counselor and a client are confidential. No information will be released without the client’s written consent unless mandated by law. Possible exceptions to confidentiality include but are not limited to the following situations:
- Child abuse.
- Abuse of the elderly or disabled.
- Sexual exploitation.
- Criminal/ legal prosecutions.
- Serious and foreseeable harm.
- Contagious and/ or life-threatening diseases.
- Fee disputes between the counselor and the client.
If you have any questions regarding confidentiality, bring them to the counselor’s attention to further discuss this matter. By signing the Informed Consent Form, you consent to the counselor to share confidential information with all persons mandated by law. You are also releasing and holding harmless the therapist from any departure from your right of confidentiality that may result.
Canceling a session requires 48 hours’ notice; Failing to cancel on time poses implement the following charges:
Less than 48-hour notice given, 50% of the cost of the session.
Less than 24-hour notice given or client missed appointment – the full cost of the session.
Dual Relationships
Counselling relationships never involves sexual, business, or any other dual relationships that could impair my objectivity, judgment, or therapeutic effectiveness.
Duty to Warn
Suppose the counselor reasonably believes that the client is a danger, physically or emotionally, to themselves or another person. In that case, consent is given for the counselor to warn and contact any person to prevent harm, including contacting law enforcement and medical personnel. This authorization shall expire upon the termination of therapy.
Risks of Mental Health Counselling
Participation in therapy can result in many benefits, including improved interpersonal relationships and resolution of specific apprehensions. Working to achieve these benefits requires the combined effort of counselor and client. During therapy, remembering unpleasant events, feelings, or thoughts may result in considerable discomfort, intense emotions, anxiety, depression, insomnia, Etc. The therapy may result in decisions to change behaviors, employment, or relationships. Change can sometimes be quick and easy, but at another time can be slow and even frustrating. There is no guarantee that therapy will yield positive or intended results, as in reality, clients are responsible for the lifestyle choices/changes that may result from therapy. Specifically, one risk of marital therapy is the possibility of exercising the divorce option.
Consent to Therapy
By signing the Informed Consent Form, you voluntarily agree to receive mental health assessment, care, treatment, or services and authorize the counselor to provide such care, treatment, or services as are considered necessary and advisable. Signing indicates that you understand and agree that you will participate in the planning of your care, therapy, or services and that you may stop those at any time. By signing the Informed Consent Form, you acknowledge that you have both read and understood all the terms and information contained herein. An ample opportunity has been offered for you to ask questions and seek clarification of anything that remains unclear.
By signing the Informed Consent Form, you consent for the counselor to communicate with you by mail, e-mail, and phone at the address and phone numbers provided at the initial appointment.