4 years ago · Galya · Comments Off on How to overcome the “I am not good enough” syndrome?
How to overcome the “I am not good enough” syndrome?
Self-limiting beliefs can hamper our lives in multiples ways. One of the most common I’ve encountered in my practice is the “I am not good enough.” Added to that, I have my own experience with it. For years, I was struggling, and I could not fully enjoy my achievements because I thought I wasn’t good enough. I was dismissing compliments, saying I “got lucky,” and doubt my choices. This situation put me in a constant hellish circle of work/ try harder, not good enough, anxiety, depression, and all over again. It took me years to get out of it, and here are a few tools that helped me, and they are helping my clients.
- Acknowledge your self-doubt.
When you start feeling “I am not good enough,” don’t just ignore the feeling and bury it. Address it, “speak” kindly to yourself, and reject the unrealistic, negative thought.
2. Acknowledge your strengths.
Look at your accomplishments, write them down, and you will see that those weren’t just “lucky breaks.” You’ve worked hard to achieve them. Make a list of all of them and look at it every time you feel low.
3. Find your passions and share them with others.
We tend to downplay the levels of knowledge and experience we have acquired. Find a way to share your passions with others; when you do this, you will constantly remind of your accomplishments.
4. Learn to accept compliments.
People who struggle with “not good enough” limiting belief tend to shrug off a compliment. They tend to minimize their accomplishments. When someone acknowledges your good work, learn to say “thank you” and savor the feeling.
5. Give yourself permission to slack and fail.
Struggling to be “good enough” can lead to burnout. Give yourself time just to play around, and don’t take yourself too seriously. Practice your hobbies; without an objective to achieve, enjoy the here and now moment.
6. Seek professional help.
If, despite your best efforts, you continue to suffer with “not good enough” syndrome, get professional help. A good therapist can help you overcome it because if left unchecked, feeling like this can lead to anxiety and depression.
Tags: therapy Categories: Psychology, Therapy