What are the most common myths, and what qualities should you look for. Therapy helps millions of people around the world to cope and to improve the quality of their lives. But finding a good therapist can be tricky. Especially if a person is doing it for the first time.
Self-limiting beliefs can hamper our lives in multiples ways. One of the most common I’ve encountered in my practice is the “I am not good enough.” Added to that, I have my own experience with it. For years, I was struggling, and I could not fully enjoy my achievements because
Understanding anxiety can be tricky. There are many myths and misconceptions about how it presents itself and how people who suffer from anxiety behave. Myth #1 You can always tell if someone is having an anxiety attack. This statement can’t be further from the truth. For people who have suffered
2020 will go in history books as the poster year of uncertainty. The whole world faced challenges, and we weren’t prepared for them. And while some people can deal with uncertainty better than others, in the end, no one can avoid the unexpected. Here are a few simple tips on
Defense mechanisms are a type of behavior, which people use to separate themselves from unpleasant feelings, thoughts, or situations. Most of the time, those behavioral responses are used unconsciously. Being aware of them can help to choose which one to apply in a particular situation. Denial When a situation or
Emotions are part of what makes us human. In many ways, our emotions give us the biggest insight into who we are, what we believe in, and our core values. But in some cases, our emotions are not very helpful and affect our wellbeing and cause daring life consequences. No
By Dr. K. Kolmes We don’t often talk about therapeutic blunders, although they happen all the time. There are so many ways for therapists to fail clients. There is probably the most common: a mismatch of styles, or a therapist who is not really helping her client. Then there are
By Dr. K. Kolmes “But what should I do?” It doesn’t happen often, but once in awhile, I will meet with a client who asks me some variation of the above. The thing that is most challenging (to me) about clients who directly ask what they should do is that
Cognitive biases describe the irrational errors in human decision making. Our brain absorbs enormous amounts of information every day. Some of this information we consciously think about, but as the conscious part of the brain can only be focus on one thing at a time, our brain is looking for
Deletions and Mental Filtering You most likely agree on the fact that it is very easy to remember our credits and even easier to forget about debts. Our minds are very good at avoiding the useless pains that are caused by uneasy thought. However, deletions happen for different reasons –