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A better approach to life


“I am not what happened to me; I am what I choose to become.” Carl Gustav Jung


Couples Counselling

Couples and relationship counselling purpose is to improve communication and learn problem-solving skills, understand relationship patterns, increase empathy and emotional engagement towards one another, which, in turn, enhances the sense of connection between partners.


Individual Therapy

Individual counselling can provide a space to resolve problems and heal wounds. It can be a place of hope and support for new beginnings. A trusting, collaborative relationship between client and counsellor can provide the foundation for people to build strengths, get assistance and resources, to discover solutions. It can also be a place to continue to grow and to learn more about yourself.

Most common cognitive disorders

Identification of a mental disorder or illness can be debatable. There have been many discussions and arguments on what is or isn’t an illness. In today’s society, many normal human emotions are branded as illness, just because the individual has a problem dealing with them. That doesn’t mean that the person suffering isn’t real, on the contrary. But realizing that some of our issues are caused not by some disease but by unhealthy thoughts and emotions, and with little help, we can have a healthy, happy, and productive life.


Mood disorders

The most common mood disorders are depression, dysthymia, and bipolar disorder. Depression and dysthymia have similar symptoms, with the main difference between them being the gravity and the duration of the depressive episodes. Symptoms of depression include:

  • inexplicable sadness
  • a loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities
  • a change in appetite and/or weight
  • oversleeping or insomnia
  • physical slowing or agitation
  • general loss of energy
  • feelings of low self-esteem or inappropriate guilt
  • difficulty concentrating on daily tasks
  • recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.


People who have depression (or another depressive disorder) feel exhausted, worthless, helpless, and hopeless. These negative thoughts and feelings that are part of depression make some people feel like giving up. As treatment takes effect, these thoughts begin to go away.


Anxiety and phobias

Everyone feels anxious now and then. Anxiety is an important and very normal feeling for everyone. It helps us get around safely in the world and avoid danger. But if anxiety doesn’t go away and is affecting your everyday life, you might have an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are very common, and they can be easily treated. Phobias can feel different for different people, and the symptoms can vary in severity. Symptoms involve experiencing intense fear and anxiety when faced with the situation or object that causes fear. If your phobia is severe, even thinking about the situation or object can trigger these symptoms.

Common anxiety signs and symptoms include:

  • Feeling worried, restless or tense
  • Having a sense of approaching danger, panic or doom
  • Having an increased heart rate
  • Breathing briskly (hyperventilation)
  • Sweating
  • Trembling
  • Feeling weak or tired
  • Trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present fear
  • Having trouble sleeping
  • Having difficulty controlling apprehension
  • Having the urge to avoid things that trigger anxiety

Personality disorders

 The term personality disorder is not ideal. No one likes to be told that there is something wrong with their personality, and some people may misuse the term to victimize against others. However, personality disorders are real and cause distress, so understanding them is important in enabling people to seek the help they need. Personality disorder refers to a long-term pattern of thinking, behavior, and emotion that is extreme and inflexible. It causes distress and makes it difficult to function in everyday life. People with personality disorders find it hard to change their behavior or adapt to different situations. They may have trouble sustaining work or forming positive and lasting relationships. There are many kinds of personality disorders. Some people with a personality disorder may appear withdrawn, some dramatic and emotional, and others unusual or eccentric. The one thing they have in common is that their symptoms are severe enough to affect many different areas of life.

Trauma-related disorders

 Trauma-related disorders can be caused by stressful or painful experiences that involve death, serious injury, or sexual violence (actual or threatened). This might include physical or sexual assault, domestic violence, torture, and enduring natural disasters. This type of disorder happens when fear, anxiety, and memories of a traumatic event don’t go away with time. The feelings last for a long time and limit how people cope with everyday life. Symptoms can vary significantly, from small changes in day-to-day life, withdrawal, and numbness, to distressing flashbacks or physical anxiety. The main symptoms are:

  • re-experiencing the trauma (memories, nightmares or flashbacks)
  • avoiding any reminders of the ordeal
  • negative thoughts and mood
  • constant nervousness and a physical response to sudden changes that could be a sign of a threat

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